All About Me

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Bonita Springs, FL, United States
I am 21 years old. I am currently a junior at FGCU. I am an elementary education major and hope to be a fourth grade teacher in the near future!

Twenty Minutes a Day

Twenty Minutes a Day

Read to your children

Twenty minutes a day.

You have time

And so do they.

Read while the laundry is in the machine.

Or read while the dinner cooks;

Tuck a child in the crook of your arm

And reach for the library books.

Hide the remote,

Let the computer games cool,

For one day, your children will be off to school!

“Remedial?” “Gifted?” You have the choice;

Let them hear their first tales

In the sound of your voice.

Read in the morning;

Read over noon;

Read by the light of

Goodnight Moon

Turn the pages together,

Sitting close as you’ll fit.

Till a small voice beside you says,

“Hey, don’t quit!”